Patient Consultation - Enhanced Access
Your GP Practice is a member of a local group of practices known as the Bridgedale Primary Care Network.
We will be introducing a new Enhanced Access service from 01 October 2022 which will enable all patients across the group to book into additional routine appointments at least two weeks in advance. These will be available:
· Between 6:30pm and 8pm on weekday evenings.
· Between 9am and 5pm on Saturdays.
The overall aim is to enable patients who would prefer appointments outside of the traditional practice hours to have them.
The purpose of this consultation is to ask for your views to help us shape this service.
The aim of this survey is to capture the opinions of Roslea,Riverside and the Ryan Medical Centre patients working together as Bridgedale PCN regarding the upcoming changes to the General Practice appointments which are offered outside of ‘core hours’. At present the core hours in our practices are classed as 8:00am – 6:30pm. Your GP practice part of the Bridgedale Primary Care Network would greatly appreciate if you could spare 6 minutes to give your views on the future of evening and weekend General Practice appointments .
Thank you for your time.